Tony Charles - Family & Systemic Psycho therapist


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Social Worker Matters


Welcome to a new episode of Social Workers Matter, I hope you're safe and well. Interestingly as I post this episode, we have just had the publication of the very disappointing (UK) Race Disparity Report and we are also in the middle of the (US) trial for the George Floyd killing.  The RDR essentially undermines the work of the Equality & Human Rights Commission in its duty to tackle persistent structural race inequality as its content seems to bear little relation to the lived experiences of people from Black & Ethnic Minorities. In today's episode, Family & Systemic Therapist Tony Charles speaks about his work and the centrality of working beside families and clients so as to co-create meaning, understanding, remaining curious and above all privileging, their lived experiences. As a positive message to our community Tony shares rich material about his work, his experiences as a black male therapist and the value of therapeutic interventions.  Do leave a review as this helps gets the word out. Reference: 'Standing in the shadows - understanding and overcoming depression in Black Men'  - John Head Tony's email: Website: Skype: tcconsultancy   My email: See for privacy information.