

Listens: 19

Explore Kids World

Kids & Family

We are all set to hop on the new journey of audio stories and we would love you all to join in. Plug your headphones, disconnect from the world its noise and commotion and dive in the world of stories.


About Storyland: 

When we are young, we are exposed to stories and experiences that shape our behavior and choices. Over the period, these values either become a part of our personality or we totally forget them, like they never existed. 

Here, with Story Land, we are trying to make a small attempt to brush up on those values and adapt to them once again so that we end up making our lives better, our relationships happier and eventually the world a cheerful place to live in! 

1st episode: 

When was the last time a story impacted you deep enough to adapt to it? Do not remember? Well, don't you worry! You have reached the right place! Here, we will bring a weekly dose of stories that we hope will touch you in a way that you feel like diving deep into the learnings and becoming the same characters to live and experience it once at least. So come, hop on to this journey of Story Land in writing, listening, and feeling stories. Stay tuned!Reply
