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LISTENING TRIAL stage4 提出ノート(英語リスニング教材 リスニングトライアル)


p.11 TRIAL 11 エクササイズ Hello, everyone. I'd like to talk about the problems with clearing rain forests. Forests are disappearing all over the world. People are cutting trees down to clear land for growing crops and keeping farm animals. When forests are cut down, CO2 levels increase and the plants and the animals living in the area disappear. This can especially be seen in rain forests in developing countries, but while the people in developed countries like us might criticize those countries, we are also responsible for the problem. The people in rain forests grow crops and animals to export to developed countries. They are clearing the rain forests to live. They cannot earn money or live without cutting down the forests. How can we ask them to stop doing this without helping them at all? The environmental problems are caused by many different factors. We must identify each factor and work on them both individually and globally.