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LISTENING TRIAL stage4 提出ノート(英語リスニング教材 リスニングトライアル)


p.5 TRIAL 5 エクササイズ Woman: Can I help you, sir? Man: Yes, thanks, my name is John Brown. I've reserved a single room for two nights, tonight and tomorrow night. Woman: If you'll wait just a moment, I'll check the computer.... I'm sorry Mr. Brown, we don't seem to have a reservation for you. Man: You must have. I confirmed my reservation by telephone last Friday; a single room, on Monday the 13th and Tuesday the 14th. Woman: Well, we had problems with our computers the whole of last week. I'll go and talk with the manager. Would you like to have something to drink in the coffee shop while we check? The hotel will of course pay for anything you have there. Man: Yes, all right, that sounds good to me. I've had a long journey, and a cup of coffee would be great. Woman: A member of our staff will find you in the coffee shop when we've found a room for you.