TRIAL3 Dictation


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LISTENING TRIAL stage2 提出ノート(英語リスニング教材 リスニングトライアル)


p.3 TRIAL 3 ディクテーション (1) Man: Can you tell me how to get to the post office? Woman: Is any post office OK? Man: Well, I'd like to go to the central one. Woman: No problem. I know how to get there. Please follow me. (2) Patient: I have had a headache since last night. Doctor: Let me check your temperature. Is there anything else wrong with you? Patient: I have a stomachache. Doctor: Well…, your temperature is 38 degrees. You have caught a cold. Patient: I think so too but I have to go to school. Doctor: I see. Let me give you a prescription for the fever. There's a pharmacy around the corner. Patient: OK, I'll go and pick up the medicine right away.