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LISTENING TRIAL stage3 提出ノート(英語リスニング教材 リスニングトライアル)


p.7 TRIAL 7 エクササイズ Man: What are you looking at? Woman: Hi, Masaki. This is a chart called “My Plate”, which the USDA made as a guideline for a healthy diet. Man: The USDA? Woman: The United States Department of Agriculture. Obesity and being overweight are serious problems in the US, and that's why the USDA made this chart. Man: Very interesting. Obesity and being overweight are now big problems in Japan too. So, what is on the plate? There are four parts of different sizes and a small circle. Woman: Each part shows what you should eat and how much. You should fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruits, then the other half with grains and proteins. Man: Which should we eat more of, grains or proteins? Woman: The former. Man: And, what does the small circle represent? Woman: It represents dairy foods. Man: Wow, this plate can help you eat very healthily.