Undivided Episode 52 "Engaged Energy At Work" w/ Frank J. Maduri


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Life Coach Radio Network


Undivided is a podcast series which seeks to remove the barriers that divide people and focus on unity and harmony. This episode will look at the importance of engaged energy in the workplace.  A recent survey revealed that 70% of Americans are unhappy at work, the energy they put toward work is certainly going to be impacted negatively and have a corresponding impact on productivity. This episode will provide tangible ways to improve the level of engaged energy that both you and your colleagues can bring to work each day.  Frank J. Maduri is the Host of Undivided and is a CPC (Certified Professional Coach) with a certification in Energy Leadership (ELI-MP). His coaching practice focuses on career transition and leadership development. Frank will utilize his experience in a variety of industries as well as his background in professional coaching and leadership to guide this dialogue effectively.   Please listen in on Wednesday, August 21st to this important episode. Thank you for your support of the series!