UnWandered Words: Micah


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"Unwandered Words" means voices from Bible that we don’t spend much time reading or studying. Levi looked at the top 10 most popular books of the Bible searched or and found this result, in order: 1 psalm2 Matthew3 John4 Romans5 proverbs6 Genesis7 Luke8 1 Corinthians9 Isaiah10 ActsOf the 15 least popular, the book of Micah was least favorite! So, Levi preached on this prophet of the Hebrew Bible. He has been called the "Poor man’s prophet." The book has only seven chapters. Micah speaks of the problem of awaiting the long, slow process when awaiting true justice. He warned that "A civilization that perverts justice cannot stand." He also taught that leaders can lead  people astray. Even church leaders can lead the flock in wrong paths. But Micah would not do those things. In his day, the people retorted.  "What do you want from us, Lord?" Micah said: He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.   Micah 6:8