UPSIDE DOWN KINGDOM Week 24: FLIP THE LIST - Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 6:33


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Powell Butte Christian Church

Religion & Spirituality

This morning we are going to talk about PRIORITIES… because we all seem to order our lives in different ways. But is there a best way, a Godly way to prioritize the resources God has entrusted to us as His managers? I believe that there are essentially 5 ways of utilizing those resources. We can... Spend it, Repay debt, Pay Taxes, Save/Invest it, or (if there’s any left) Give it.Now, speaking AS a disciple living in God’s Upside Down Kingdom TO disciples living in God’s Upside Down Kingdom, I have a question: Does anyone see a problem with this?If this is right, if this is the BEST WAY to prioritize your resources, then answer me this: Why do so many people who prioritize like this end up broke, scraping by, living paycheck to paycheck, getting stressed about finances, and experiencing broken relationships? Seems that maybe, just maybe, THIS DOESN’T WORK.I find it frustrating as a pastor that in many cases, disciples of Jesus live with their priorities ordered in this manner, with God last --- UNTIL THEY GET INTO TROUBLE, and then all of a sudden they cry out: “God help me get out of this financial crisis. I need to sell my house. I need a blessing in my life right now…but after Your help, You’re gonna be relegated to the bottom of the list again.”To me that seems pretty messed up. Who is in control in that situation? And, even more importantly, what kind of TRUST does that demonstrate??It has been said in the past: either He is Lord of ALL, or He isn’t Lord AT ALL.The question, when it comes to our resources and the way we manage them and how we acknowledge the Lord in our life, is this: Can we trust God? Can we? And if we SAY we can --- how does that play out practically in our lives?God gives a very practical way to demonstrate our trust in Him --- and it’s all about FIRST-FRUITS.