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Still Cool Right


Welcome to Still Cool Right POD7, your barstool conversation about the fine art of growing up featuring friends and neighbors John-Ryan Shea and Gavin Allen. It's a new year and we have some big announcements. First, have a brand new website! Also, we are on iTunes, Google Play, and TuneIn! Yes, we've branched out of the cozy confines of Soundcloud to go big time. Don't fret, you knew us when. On the pod, JRS opens up about his guiding feelings for the year and Gavin mocks him for it. Gavin gets a new barbeque for Christmas and invites JRS over for some DIY assembly and whiskey drinking time. In addition, we take a moment to talk about luxury butt-plugs while Gavin's Amazon Alexa attempts to buy some weed. As always we sip cocktails and get more animated as we go. You can hear the tin of our custom Still Cool Right mugs clinking the whole time in the key of saucy. Our #StillCoolMusic of the pod features new tracks from the band The Tracks out of our new home in Northeast Los Angeles. The band describes their genre as "Working Class" on Facebook and you need to get your ears on these guys now. They are the truth! 2018 is going to be a Still Cool Year friends. Thank you for taking the time to read, listen and hang out with us. We know we come off as total ballers, but we don't get paid for this show in human monies. Our only payment is the time you dedicate to consuming and sharing our verbal wares. Please head to iTunes, subscribe, and leave us a review. We want to be a virus of positive vibes and smiles transmitted through the inter-social-webs of our #StillCoolFriends. So, share this episode and infect the unknowing with our smooth voice tickles. Stay Cool Friends! XO // John-Ryan & Gavin http://stillcoolright.com