We Do It For The Art


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Tour Worthy Indie Music Preview


00:34 Moon King - “Come Away With Me”  https://moon-king.bandcamp.com/ 05:52 Bustié  - “Acerbic heart”  https://bustielosangeles.bandcamp.com/09:34 Machinekit -  “Condition Me” https://machinekit.bandcamp.com/13:48 The Tissues - “Red Light” https://thetissues.bandcamp.com/ 16:33 Moon Fuzz - “Jane” https://moonfuzz.bandcamp.com/21:20 Dressy Bessy - “Stay True” https://yeprocrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fast-faster-disaster  24.19 Young Lovers - “Distance // Absence” // https://bandofyounglovers.bandcamp.com/31:07 It Looks Sad (ILS) - “Shave” https://itlookssad.bandcamp.com/album/sky-lake33:46 Killradio  -  “Good For Nothing” https://www.killradio.band/37:15 Dead End Job - “Identity Crisis”  https://www.instagram.com/deadendjobofficial/40:046 Eureka Sound - “Big Pharma” http://eurekasound.band/