Week #005 Review, Friday


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Let's Speak Italian!


ance = anza importance = importanza ence = enza intelligence = intelligenza ant = ante important = importante ent = ente student = studente ible = bile possible = possibile ist = ista dentist = dentista ly = mente generally = generalmente sion = sione mission = missione tion = zione station = stazione ty = ta' society = societa' Nouns ending in 'o' are generally masculine: amico = friend (male) libro = book Nouns ending in 'a' are generally feminine: amica = friend (female) casa = house Nouns ending in 'e' can be both and simply must be memorized: ristorante (m) = restaurant pane (m) = bread classe (f) = class notte (f) = night Words ending with a consonant are usually foreign words, and are usually masculine: bar, autobus, film, sport Change the 'o' to an 'i' to make it plural: amico = friend, amici = friends Change the 'a' to an 'e' to make it plural: chiesa = church, chiese = churches Change the 'ca' to a 'che' to make it plural: banca = bank, banche = banks Change the 'e' to an 'i' to make it plural: studente = student, studenti = students Most masculine words ending in 'io' you drop the 'o' to make it plural: negozio = store, negozi = stores Nouns ending with an accented vowel or a consonant do not change in the plural: caffe' = coffee shop, due caffe' = two coffee shops foto = photo, due foto = two photos libro = book penna = pen matita = pencil carta = paper quaderno = notebook or planner sedia = chair luce = light finestra = window scrivania = desk pagina = page porta = door parlare = to speak io parlo = I speak tu parli = you speak (informal) Lei parla = you speak (formal) lui parla = he speaks lei parla = she speaks noi parliamo = we speak voi parlate = you speak (plural) loro parlano = they speak Inglese = English Francese = French Spagnolo = Spanish Tedesco = German Russo = Russian Giapponese = Japanese Italiano = Italian Parliamo Italiano = We speak Italian