What Does it Take to Build and Market an App?


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Paul Sutton's Digital Download Podcast


Do we need an app? It's something that's now heard very often in marketing circles, as if building, maintaining and marketing an app is the easiest thing in the world. But the technical complexity of 'an app', not to mention the competition for app space on our mobiles, cannot be underestimated. In this episode of the Digital Download podcast, we talk about what it actually takes to build an app and have it approved by Apple and Google, what it takes to maintain that app in an ever-changing technical world, the technical and design factors that have to be considered, and how to go about marketing an app and getting it used. The special guest in this show is Mark Stringer, co-founder of ride sharing app SKOOT and founder of PR agency Pretty Green. Please Check Out Our Sponsor This episode of the podcast is supported by Podchaser Pro, making podcast discovery and analysis a breeze. Podchaser Pro builds on Podchaser's best-in-class data set to provide access to reach, contacts, demographics and more, and bring radical efficiency to the process of discovering, qualifying, and contacting podcasts. What to do Next Subscribe to the podcast to receive new episodes automatically to your mobile or email. And if you enjoyed today’s show, please email it to a friend and/or share it on your favourite social media channels. I'd love to hear from you with any comments or thoughts. I read and reply to every single email, tweet or message. And finally, it would also be very awesome and hugely appreciated if you'd be able to take a moment to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes or Podchaser, as this helps others discover Digital Download. Thanks for listening!