What is "Success" Anyway?


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Self Help Sucks


Alexander the Great believed he was the son of God which is why he accomplished superhuman feats (so the story goes). Apparently he sat down and wept when he had conquered the whole of the known world because there were no more countries left to conquer. Along the way he met an Indian guru who imparts the essence of ancient wisdom to him It is important to define success because if nothing else, you may be aiming at the wrong thing(s) in life if you do not know what really drives you. Most intelligent people will agree that there is more to life than wealth, power and material accoutrements. On the other hand, it is not enough to sit there like the wise old guru and do absolutely nothing unless you really do have the "answer" and people benefit through your wisdom The key to the thing would seem to be a balance between inner and outer success. You need to live a life of purpose inasmuch as being of value to others and society as a whole. At the same time, you have to follow your own heart. You may say, "Well, just get on with it! Set goals, do what is right and create balance in all areas of your life." Well, if it is that easy, have you accomplished this for yourself? I have not