"What we've learnt this week..." Episode 1


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Join Vicky, Pete and Emma in the first of our new series of CotEcasts entitled "What we have learnt this week....". These are short, 15minute, podcasts where we discuss topics that we have encountered the preceding week; whether it be on the wards, in a journal, at teaching or even on twitter! This week we discuss a useful analogy for frailty, myth-busting MSUs, a brief review of fluid prescriptions and top tips of managing patients with Parkinson's disease . Useful links: Paper Boats BGS blog atbritishgeriatricssociety.wordpress.com/2018/07/09/the-paper-boat/ MSU and fluid Mini-gems at aeme.org.uk/mini-gems/ NICE fluid guidelines at www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg174 PD medication calculator at www.pdmedcalc.co.uk