What’s Really Happening in Australia! Guest Trish R


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The Lance Jaynes Podcast


So, it seems that we (at least I have seen) stories of horrible lockdowns in Australia. I don’t watch the news but with social media it is rough to discern what is really going on.

Sooooo, grateful to have a friend ‘Down Under’ who was kind enough to come on and share what is actually happening there.

My greatest take away is this: DO NOT ASSUME what you see on TV is always accurate. Television has always been ‘Telling Lies’ to our vision. TV ‘programming’ is designed to do just that, programs us, keep us divided.

Thank you Trish, how cool to speak live after ‘knowing’ each other for 9 yrs on Twitter.

Have the Best Day Ever! The Best Week ever! This is the Lions Gate Portal, time to invite massive #change into your life. Don’t believe what your ‘news’ or TV is telling you. Do your own homework.

#lockdowns #Australia #truth #covid19 #turnoffthenews #greatawakening #lovewins