When You KnoW, You KnoW* by Krysta Gonzales


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DTC Radio


Flor and Stephen are on a drive that will take them through the last two years of their relationship together. The ups, the downs, the in betweens, the loving exchanges, and the hurtful arguments. How do you make a change? You can listen to your head, your heart, or both; but when you know, you know. Written by Krysta Gonzales. Directed by Daren Taylor. Starring Chiara Maya, Josef Maxwell, and Krysta Gonzales. Sound engineering by Curtis Fritsh. Sound design by Lisha Brown. Sound editing by Tyler Grimes. Play development by Jamie Johnson. Artwork by Andrew Singer. Hosted by Pip Gengenbach. dtc radio theme by Spencer Robelen, all other music and sounds used with permission from Audioblocks.