Your Best Life with Carol the Coach


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Your Best Life with Carol the Coach


They say that the secret to a meaningful life is taking the hardship in your life and turning it into something that has purpose and is going to make a difference in the lives of others. Tonight we are going to be talking to a grieving mother who has taken her son's tragedy and turned it around to help  our community. Vicky Harpold is a woman with a mission. Her son lived his last years experiencing the consequences of his addiction and Vicky wants you to know that he didn't live his life in vain. He had a good heart, he worked on recovery and although he lost his was not in vain. His mother is using his life to make a difference in the lives of others. As you listen to her story, take a look at your life in all of it's glory and with its mistakes and ask can I turn my life around to make a difference in this world? We all can leave an imprint that can better just have to take a hard look and decide how you can use adversity to  better this world. Her story is heart wrenching and it is inspiring!