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Religion & Spirituality

6/22/21 BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE 4pmPAC/7pmEST will be talking about our Shadow Side! How much time do you spend with your shadow? Are you buddies with your Shadow or your Higher Self? We will be uncovering what our Shadow Side Is, and that it really is here to help us yet we have got so caught up in our Shadows that we have forgotten that! BUZZARDSDKORNER OF LOVE RADIO is here to help bring us back into rememberance!  We will share with you our Shadow Side, how we choose to walk with our Shadow instead of against it! Explain the difference in how we flow through life together, KNOWING our Shadow is Truly Ourself! Just like life has it's polarity of up, down, left, right, here there, so too do we need our Shadow. We will talk about the benefits of walking with it and how much lighter and happier you FEEL in life as you embrace ALL OF YOU! BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO bringing people back to themselves