Alamo Ranch Community Church (Sermon Audio)

Listens: 1160


ARCC exists to be a church that glorifies God by making disciples whose identity and joy are found and rooted in the gospel of Jesus. This is the sermon audio from our weekly services.

The Unremoved Cup

After drinking the passover cup with his disciples for the last time until kingdom come, another cup remains in front of Jesus.
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Adult-Like Faith

To men preoccupied by what seat in the Kingdom they will fill, Jesus invites them to a war-time reality that has come upon them. Jesus is inviting the...
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Grace Fueled Greatness

Jesus disciples the hearts of these young men towards true greatness fueling their longings with promises that only God, Himself could keep.
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The Plot Thickens

The plot to kill Jesus begins to actually gain traction and is looking more inevitable and bleak-however, it is God’s plan from eternity past to save ...
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Be Awake

Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We can know God.
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A Better Jesus

To the disciples who, to some degree, are hoping in dates and times and plans and strategies, are given a vision for a Jesus far better than all of th...
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Not Led Astray

Jesus answers the questions of the disciples regarding the destruction of the temple because their incorrect presuppositions might lead to being decei...
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A Love That Matters (Part 2)

The unconditional love of God is the greatest love ever known. Yet, we have trouble looking to it, resting in it, and operating out of it. The pridefu...
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A Love That Matters (Part 1)

The unconditional love of God is the greatest love ever known. Yet, we have trouble looking to it, resting in it, and operating out of it. The pridefu...
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