Ballots And Bullets

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Podcast by WKYC

Episode 6 The Legacy

In the final episode of Ballots and Bullets we examine the political aftermath of the race violence in Cleveland fifty years ago, and how it connects ...
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Episode 5 - The Trial

"This is just the beginning." Those were the words Fred Ahmed Evans told a black Cleveland police officer in the back of a squad car on the night of J...
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Episode 4 The Battle

It is July 23, 1968. Fred Ahmed Evans and his Black Nationalist group have been purchasing rifle, shotguns and ammunition with money from Mayor Carl S...
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EPISODE 3 - The Fuse

As 1968 gets underway Mayor Carl Stokes has the support of the white business community in Cleveland. Tensions are running high between black national...
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EPISODE 2 The Time

Martin Luther King Jr. focuses on Cleveland in order to help elect Carl Stokes as mayor. Fred Ahmed Evans comes back from the Korean War and falls in ...
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EPISODE 1 The Setting

WKYC has created a companion podcast for our investigative report on the bloodiest night in Cleveland’s history. An urban guerrilla assault by black m...
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