
Listens: 2


Beauty@30Something is a space all about navigating through this this crazy new phase of life...this over 30 chapter...and discovering a new definition of beauty along the way. Beauty at 30+ is a whole different ball game than it was when we were 20+. The obstacles have changed and bit and we need to stop and pivot to successfully make it thru. If you are in the same place in your life and want some company and help navigating the waters then this podcast is the place for you. Hit that FOLLOW button and let's QUEEN together!

Welcome to Beauty@30Something

Beauty@30Something is a space all about navigating through this this crazy new phase of life...this over 30 chapter...and discovering a new definition...
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Who I am Depends On the Day

Expected your 30s to be the years where you instantly figured it all out and became "all knowing?" Assumed you would know exactly who you are and what...
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