Bedtime Stories

Listens: 2245


Turn off the lights, get into bed and plug in you…

S04E18 - Yuletide

For this year’s Christmas episode, we will be returning to our Nautical Nightmares series to bring you three strange disappearances, which occurred ov...
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S04E16 - The Van Meter Visitor

During the Autumn of 1903, numerous inhabitants of one Iowan city were subjected to a series of terrifying encounters with a mysterious winged intrude...
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S04E14 - A Haunting in Indiana

In previous episodes, we have looked at instances where unwitting victims have been targeted by apparent demonic possession. But this week we examine ...
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S04E13 - The Devil in the Doll

Whilst stories of haunted dolls can be traced back many generations, it was not until the arrival of Hollywood characters such as ‘Chucky’ and ‘Annabe...
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S04E09 - Nightshift

As one might expect, most paranormal or supernatural encounters occur in the hours of darkness. What is it about the night that seems to manifest thes...
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