Brass Instruments - for iPad/Mac/PC

Listens: 13


Technology and music have been closely associated since the very first musical instruments were constructed, and in the 19th century an explosion of invention revolutionised the way brass instruments could be played. The 14 video tracks on this album introduce the basic acoustical principles of brass instruments and how technical developments have affected the way they are designed and played. The album explores the latest scientific research, performers' perspectives and the manufacturing process. This material forms part of TA212 The Technology of Music.

How Brass Instruments Work

Technology and acoustical principles. How technical developments through history have affected the design of brass instruments.
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How Valves Work

A revolution in brass. Mechanical means for extending the length of an instrument; valves in the french horn, flugelhorn, trombone, tuba and cornet.
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Compensating Systems

Instruments used in bands today like the sax, horn, tuba, trombone and euphonium, all have numerous valves.
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