City on a Hill: Brisbane

Listens: 68


Know Jesus & Make Jesus Known

Consecration of Priests

Israel’s priests are the mediators between the holy God and a sinful people, representing God to the people and the people to God. They were to stand ...
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Instruction for Worship

The tabernacle is the sanctuary of God’s holiness, the place of his absolute morality, perfection, glory, and goodness. As such, because of sin, no on...
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The Covenant Confirmed

We are always ready to accept the terms and conditions for any company we use, but whenever we hear about God’s terms and conditions we become hesitan...
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Other Laws

When we read the Bible, we must remember we are travelling to a foreign country and be good travellers. We must understand the context of the time (th...
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Meeting God at Sinai

Salvation is more than what we’ve been saved from, but what we’ve been saved to. In Jesus, we are loved and adored by God. Yet we are also called to b...
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God's Provision

When the Israelites grumbled, God heard them and answered their cries, but later on they forgot his grace and grumbled again. How often have you compl...
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