Claiming No Dependents: Life & Money For DINKs, SINKs and Childfree People

Listens: 163


Claiming No Dependents is a podcast where we talk about life without kids with humor, heart and a little irreverence. If you've been called a SINK or DINK (Single or Dual Income No Kids), childfree by choice or childfree by circumstance, you're well aware that things can get weird for those of us who don't have kids. This show focuses less on the decision to be childfree and more on where to go when you're there (by choice or otherwise). It's a place to talk about the freedom, awkward conversations, long-term planning considerations and (sometimes) frustrations that come with not having kids in a culture that often expects us to.

My Impostor Syndrome

Today I talk about my feelings of impostor syndrome, the Dunning-Krueger effect and embracing my inner weirdness.
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In Case of Emergency...

Do you have the right things in place if something were to happen to you? Estate planning documents go beyond the simple question of, "Who gets my stu...
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Real Tips for Working From Home

There's been quite a bit published on the internet recently about how to work from home. You can tell most of it was written by someone sitting in an ...
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Choose Your Discomfort

There's a quote: "Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional." During stressful times like we're experiencing with the global pandemic, it's normal...
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It's Okay To Be Scared

Sorry folks, spring has been canceled.Frustrated or scared about your investments, finances and retirement in light of what's happened because of COVI...
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