
Listens: 14


In this class we research and discuss issues of livelihood, environment, health and gender that have been brought about by economic development. In addition to reading theoretical and historical works on development, we adopt a regional focus on Asia and within Asia, mainly on Southeast Asia. There is a practical and micro-level focus on people and communities in developing regions who are experiencing development themselves. After the mid-term, we explore various strategies for Sustainable Development and participatory development. We look at 5 main issues in contemporary development in rural Asia: 1) Sustainable livelihoods in rural areas 2) Efforts to fulfil Basic Human Needs and Human Security 3) Labor force: gender, migration, wages 4) Public Health issues and policies5) Impacts of Climate Change on developing countries and populations In order to gain a grasp of the topics above, students will need to complete a substantial amount of reading each week. After reading the assigned materials for each week and the lectures on the reading material, all students are expected to participate in questions and discussion. Students should look at the materials and issues from a multi-faceted point of view. For this purpose they should also research on their own into other relevant primary sources, including books, websites, and current statistical data.

Poverty and Its Solutions

DISTRIBUTION OF TAKE-HOME MIDTERM ASSIGMENT IN CLASS. (Due the following week). Sen, Amartya. Commodities and Capabilities, chapter 3,“Utility, Desire...
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