Disk Dungeon

Listens: 130


Hello music lovers, welcome to the obscure realm on your computer disk that brings you the voices of Music lover Joe Dove, and Music Producer Julian Valencia! Together we are speaking about the music that speaks to us and we think may speak to you. Its not on your phone already, but we have brought it from our disk's dungeon to your ear! Get ready to partake on a music conversation and journey from the dark depths, from our world to the real world. Prepare to escape the unknown dungeon of life to the joy of music in your street beats, welcome to Disk Dungeon.

Dove Dive Blu Eyes

Hello and welcome to this DOVE DIVE where you put me on to music and melodies from the darkest dungeons of YOUR computer disk. This week James Geiger ...
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Blu Eyes- Dove Dive

Hello and welcome to this DOVE DIVE where you put me on to music and melodies from the darkest dungeons of YOUR computer disk. This week James Geiger ...
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Brenda Kahn | Dove Dive

Loren Dixon put me onto #BrendaKahn deep dive into the music and life of the artist. Her triumphs, her set backs and loss, all cultivating into a fant...
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Disk Dungeon | Robotaki Dove Dive

Hey Friends i am back with another Dove Dive on the Disk Dungeon. This week I am brought to the synth sounds of #Robotaki by Kayla, a total treat. Let...
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