Ek Onkar | Ek Onkar Simran | Gurbani Mool Mantra | Peaceful Chanting Guru Simran | Ik Onkar by Pooja

Listens: 46.97k


In this podcast, I'm (Singer Pooja) singing the Ek Onkar Simran Gurbani Mool Mantra. This chant is a very peaceful and calming way to get through the day. It is also known as the peaceful chanting guru, and helps to promote inner peace. If you're looking for a way to relax and focus during the day, be sure to give this Ek Onkar Simran a try. It will help to clear your mind and promote inner peace. This Ek Onkar Simran chant is also a great way to relieve stress and bring calm to your soul. This Ek Onkar Chant is great for meditation, prayer, and yoga practice. If you're looking for a peaceful and calming way to start your day, you should give Ek Onkar a try! Ek Onkar Chant is the most peaceful, calming, and soul-nourishing chant and song that will help you focus and achieve your goals. If you're looking for a way to relax and de-stress, try listening to the Ek Onkar Gurbani Mool Mantra chanting. It will help you achieve inner peace and achieve your goals.