FUNiture of My Mind

Listens: 3671


'FUNiture of My Mind' is a quirky podcast to share the varied thoughts and ideas that keep popping in my mind.  You never know what you will find here next! At your own peril.... listen on!

Ode de Toilet

Even after the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Precambrian, the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and iphones 4s, 6s and 12 pro max, what goes in a...
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Ageing in Bewilderment!

Whimsy and poesy are good lieutenants to have while paddling your way through middle age, as they bewilder the bewilderment associated with it!
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BIG BOLD letters, shiny lights, streamers in rainbow colours are all exhorting us to indulge in this highest form of activity - to simply PLAY!
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Creation- The Inside Story!

The Creator smiled, and opened her fist to reveal to herself a bit of putty lying limply in her palm. ‘This one will be special’ she had thought as sh...
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