How To Dressage Podcast

Listens: 3559


We are an information podcast breaking down the How To's of dressage. All of our episodes are put together by British Dressage judges to help you train your horse correctly, get higher scores and win your next dressage competition.

How to Time Your Canter Aids

In dressage tests, being able to strike off onto the correct canter lead at the designated marker is a basic requirement. In fact, an incorrect strike...
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How to Do Rising Trot

Rising to the trot is an incredibly useful tool that can be used in many different aspects of your riding, including warming up, regulating the trot t...
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How to Progress With Transitions

Transitions are a key part of training the dressage horse and are ridden right from day one.They are an essential building block that should be tackle...
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How to Use Your Legs

Understanding how to use your legs in combination with your other aids is crucial to dressage success.Your legs are used to send your horse forward, t...
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