I Can't Wait To Tell You

Listens: 35


For most of my life, I struggled with debilitating anxiety. I had no idea that my thoughts and emotions created my reality, nor how to change. This podcast is designed to help you understand yourself on a deeper level, access your inner world and in turn affect your outer world, and help you live the life you thought only possible in your dreams.

997 Doors Stay Closed...

...and 3 open. That's all that matters.START knocking...KEEP knocking!What action do you feel inclined to take? What is going to help you expand?...
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The Utility of Anxiety

The farther along my journey I go, and the more I get to know myself, the more I realize that my anxiety over the years was actually a TOOL when I let...
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The Reticular Activating System

BELIEFS: Why are they so damn important? ALSO NOTE: I am not a doctor nor an expert on the brain lolz so what I am saying is in my own words, and own ...
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You Have Arrived

At one point in time, something, or MANY things that are part of your current reality were exactly what you wished for. Before you move right onto the...
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