If I Grow up

Listens: 12


Greg and Kai, two single individuals whom are close friends, consistently find themselves at the borderline of childhood and adulthood. Appreciative of the lessons learned and the continuous gained stability on what life is, they both deny any ownership of true adulthood. Real responsibilities still seem daring, parents are always on speed dial, and their South Florida homes remain a very safe base. Determined to figure out life together with the help of making terrible decisions along the way, they relieve each other weekly of the "thought exercises" that stress their 29-year old brains on a daily basis. Hoping they're not the alone in this "where do we go from here" state of mind, this podcast is an effort to make their peers feel comfortable about still not getting everything just right.

The birthday episode!

Today Kai reflects on turning 30 this week, we debate seeing a psychic, and we process why never got into Harry Potter
Show notes


Hey guys, this week we recorded via skype, so sorry about the audio quality. This week we give our thoughts on this Covid-19 epidemic and Kai needs so...
Show notes