Leon's Mini Manifest

Listens: 120


A small insight into the life of myself, Leon Reid From athletics to tips and tricks in daily life. An honest opinion of things around the world not just in sport.

Instagram QnA

Questions asked by people on Instagram.From the biggest douchebag in athletics to learning how I travel the world.Jokes - Facts and some good banter.S...
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Athlete Life.

Insight into athlete life, It's not all sunshine and gravy! Pass the podcast and share with someone whom you think should hear this.Twitter @leonreid_...
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India Podcast mate.

Podcast On moving to India, Some good some bad some ugly!Terrible Editing and sick back drop beat.Just sick back and enjoy!
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My Life Story

A short story on my life an how I was able to overcome the adversity of being a child in care to become one of the fastest people in the world.
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My First Mini Manifest Podcast.

My first attempt at a Podcast, small introduction on different topics were going to be covering while we power on through episodes which you decide.
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