Steve and MeganDecember 21, 2010Dec 20, 2010 Steve Mance and Megan Ignash remember their first date in Spring 2010.Listen/Show notes
Pamela and DorothyMarch 2, 2010Mar 1, 2010 Pamela Jafari recalls jazz, Jacob Lawrence, and blossoming romance at Phillips after 5 in March 2009.Listen/Show notes
Elaine and DickMarch 2, 2010Mar 1, 2010 Elaine and Dick Van Blerkom remember falling in love with Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party (and each other) in 1963.Listen/Show notes
Tricia and MatMarch 2, 2010Tricia and Mat Herban discuss their abiding bond with art and each other. (Recorded at the Phillips on March 1, 2010)Listen/Show notes
The PicklesJanuary 12, 2010Jan 11, 2010 Kirstin, Bruce, and Elisha Pickle remember a very special Phillips after 5 in Summer 2008.Listen/Show notes
Margaret and RichardJanuary 5, 2010Jan 4, 2010 Margaret Barton and Richard Shullaw remember their first date at The Phillips Collection on December 12, 1993.Listen/Show notes