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This is my first Marathi podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)

Swapna Bagha

"In the land of no imagination, folks might as well be planting tumbleweeds. Scripture spills the tea, darli...

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Episode 18 - Gratitude - 2023


Naveen Varshachya Hardik Shubehcha

 कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करायला पाहिजे - MDM Think chi poem aahe 

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What is your story?

How do we tell our own story every single day? Not just to others but to ourselves too...आपण आपली कहाणी कशी सांगतो तसा आपला आयुष्य आपण जगतो 

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Kase Aahat?

Check out my latest episode! First episode of 2022....

Let's focus on health

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How do you see your life? What are you thinking right now?

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