Patterns & Practices Symposium Online 2012 Sessions (HD)

Listens: 11


Sessions for Patterns & Practices Symposium Online 2012

A Journey into CQRS

Grigori Melnik and Julian Dominguez take us through lessons learned in implementing a system using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and...
Show notes

node.js on Azure

Yavor Georgiev, Program Manager on the Azure Application Platform, covers how to use node.js on the Windows Azure platform. Starting with an introduct...
Show notes

Hybrid Cloud Applications

More and more applications have components that live in the cloud. Companies want to take advantage of the cloud while still ensuring their on premise...
Show notes

Windows Azure App Scaling to Need

Grigori Melnik and Julian Dominguez provide an overview of the Autoscaling Application Block [Wasabi] to help you scale your application dynamically w...
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Welcome from Soma

Corporate Vice President of the Developer Division Soma Somasegar kicks off the event.
Show notes