Pharmacist Business Skills

Listens: 12


I believe that there are numerous problems that need to be solved in our healthcare delivery system in the United States. I believe that people will pay cash to solve these problems if the solution provides them with transformational value. I believe that many of these problems can be solved by properly trained pharmacists. I believe that far too many pharmacists lack the business skills to thrive in the 21st century. I believe that far too many pharmacists do not understand that if they are not building equity in a business they are not in control of their destiny. I believe that if 15% of all pharmacists will start new businesses that provide transformational value to clients that they can employ any pharmacist with the courage to join their business. And I believe that when pharmacist stop relying on Corporate dragons to employ them and get involved with providing real value to their patients/clients that Pharmacy can reclaim its place as the most respected profession in the country.