
Listens: 1


Join Amy and Tanvi on a rant spree every week! Here we share our views on any random subject ranging from irrational fears to dinosaurs- and everything in between. Updated every Sunday.

YouTube and stuff

Tanvi and Amy talk about YouTube, movies, and Netflix. Yes, this really was randomly chosen. I honestly don’t understand how that works but enjoy!
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Band Kids for Life

This week we’re talking about fandoms, fragrances, and band kid things! Stay tuned for our upcoming inbox for your emails!
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No Hat!

lol sorry we aren’t picking from a hat today, but join Amy and Tanvi anyway on a journey about pets, school clubs, and napkins.
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Join Amy and Tanvi on a very sidetracked rant about writing utensils, restaurants and birds.
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New Years!

Join Amy and Tanvi on a rant about New Year’s Resolutions, expectations, and plans for the holidays.
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