Professional Dork Storytelling

Listens: 6

Episode 35: "FHL Insider #6"

The FHL Halloween themed charity tournament was delayed one day due to an attack from notorious criminal organization Team Rocket...Click here to list...
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Episode 33:"FHL Insider #5"

News from the Fandom Hockey League, where fictional characters form ice hockey teams.  Episode 5 sees a Halloween-themed charity league get underway.
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Episode 31: "Pierce", Part 2

A young office worker is caught off guard when his boss goes through an emo/goth fashion phase.  Part 2: Cody and Jansen go to the concert, and learn ...
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Episode 29: "Pierce" Part 1

A young office worker is caught off guard when his boss suddenly goes through an emo/goth fashion phase.Click the link to listen! 
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Episode 21: "FHL Insider #2"

The Pallet Town Pikachus face off against the Blue-Green Blastoise to represent their town in the Kanto Regional Hockey Championship.  Click here!(Spe...
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