Public Announcement Podcast

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Public Announcement Podcast is made to bring people together to share and discuss their opinions. Join our host as he presents a problem and explains it. Engage in discussions with other listeners. And most importantly: have fun!

Umenie a Peniaze (SVK)

Čo sa stane umeniu, keď je zrazu speňažené? Stráca svoju hodnotu alebo si ju udržiava? Prípadne vie tento proces nejakú hodnotu pridať? V dnešnom mode...
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Umenie a Peniaze (SVK)

Čo sa stane umeniu, keď je zrazu speňažené? Stráca svoju hodnotu alebo si ju udržiava? Prípadne vie tento proces nejakú hodnotu pridať? V dnešnom mode...
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Modernization of Art (EN)

How can art be defined? And what happens to an artwork when it is monetized? Does the value grow, preserve itself, or decrease? Is a person who sells ...
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Modernization of Art (EN)

How can art be defined? And what happens to an artwork when it is monetized? Does the value grow, preserve itself, or decrease? Is a person who sells ...
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Terrorizmus v EU (SVK)

V poslednom čase sa rapídne zdvíha vlna terorizmu. Najprv Francúzsko potom Viedeň, ktovie kde nejaký neznámy páchateľ udrie nabudúce. Každopádne, preč...
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Terrorizmus v EU (SVK)

V poslednom čase sa rapídne zdvíha vlna terorizmu. Najprv Francúzsko potom Viedeň, ktovie kde nejaký neznámy páchateľ udrie nabudúce. Každopádne, preč...
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Terrorism and Ivory Towers (EN)

The EU is under attack: from below. New terrorist attacks in Vienna and Nice have opened a long-sealed scar of the past attacks during the Christmas t...
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Terrorism and Ivory Towers (EN)

The EU is under attack: from below. New terrorist attacks in Vienna and Nice have opened a long-sealed scar of the past attacks during the Christmas t...
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Peniaze: Starosť alebo Sloboda? (SVK)

Čo to je byť bohatým? Vo svete kde sa len každý ženie za dolárom je podstatné sa zastaviť a spýtať sa otázku: prečo tak bežíme? Čo ponúkajú peniaze čo...
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Money: Liability or Freedom? (EN)

With money being everywhere and dreams having pricetags, it is quite important to know a thing or two about the greenbacks that can buy it all or make...
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