Rev. Elizabeth Clothier's Podcast

Listens: 13


Sermons and teachings of Rev. Elizabeth Clothier

Water to Wine

Jesus made the best wine for the wedding the love that Jesus provides to us - it is the best and there is an abundance
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Who were they?

  Lent 3 - They are us!  God's plan for people does not include pain and anguish.  God is with us through all things and hopes joy and love for our li...
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Who were they?

Lent 2 - Jesus tucks us all under wings of love.  All means all...Pharisees, Gentiles and us!
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Who were they?

Lent 1 - Who were the people Jesus met during his ministry?  The devil, satan, temptation...often seem like they are the strongest when we are the mos...
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Called to Fish for People

As fishers of people, we do need to be ready to teach, to obey, to be humble and to put Christ every situation, when it's easy and when it ...
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Peace, Hope, Love and JOY

While we may indeed be a brood of vipers, we can find joy in the fact that we are a forgiven and freed brood of vipers
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