
Listens: 795


Discover the power of your SoulFUEL® in helping you become an unstoppable force for good. Wendy Collier knows how to intuitively hone in on what is really holding you back so you can LIVE a Soul-Fueled life doing work that really matters to you. SoulFUEL is what you were placed on this earth to do - really do. It is much deeper than your passions and transcends specific roles in your life. It is THE fullest expression of who you are. With topics such as how to; do business and marketing the Soul-Fueled way, think differently to stop self-sabotage, apply Law Of Attraction to start and grow your business or identify exactly what you are meant to do, Wendy will help you create freedom for yourself and your family. She will give you all the permission you need to be FULLY you while also helping you find the courage, confidence and clarity to go after what you want. Enjoy Wendy’s wit, wisdom and special guests. Give her a call to crack open the possibilities in your life and get rid of the excuses. Listen in to get inspired and FIRED UP to go after the life you want.