Take That, Smartypants!

Listens: 473


Take That, Smartypants! is all about KeyForge. You can find deck reviews, news, set analysis, how-to's, play sessions, and more. Let's dive into the Crucible together!

Exceedingly Fearsome Ronan

Double Trickle-Down is always welcome, not sure how I feel about the Pokemon though. :) Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/7a2e4b4f-af3b-402e...
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Dezibender the “Enforcer”

Hings and Gross are super cool! Hard to land, though. Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/e3072ac3-b105-413f-9d69-1b01f30453d3
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Isla, Governor of Telethia

Those Stealhearts can get very big. I wish there were a little more of a reward for making them so, like taunt. Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/...
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The Mrs. of Runstockade

Here's some steal! Walk the Plank is like Nerve Blast without the damage, though. Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/66bead91-979e-4d88-898a-...
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The Dame of Civilquarter

Sometimes you just get a Shadows with very little steal - what can you do? Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/6c5da7bd-26f5-49dc-8868-bb33b53...
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Rusty Fatiha of the Aerodrome

This is a great example of what an enabler Star Alliance can be to its friends. Decklist: https://decksofkeyforge.com/decks/92c339e8-6248-4f1a-b92a-01...
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