Tips for Teachers

Listens: 10


Discover tips for making the most of your Apple products and streamlining your day, all created with the teacher in mind.

Zoom in on iPhone

Magnify an area anywhere on iPad while keeping the rest of the screen at its native size with zoom.
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Flyover with Maps

Take your class on virtual field trips of major cities and landmarks and explore the world in realistic 3-D with the Maps app on iPad.
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Share Files with Airdrop

With Airdrop, you don’t need to be connected to the internet to share lesson plans, quizzes, tests, and other academic materials with nearby Apple dev...
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Create Lists with Siri

Teachers keep a lot of lists. With Siri and the Reminders app on iPhone, easily create one on the go with just your voice.
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Set Reminders with Siri

A teacher’s day can often be hectic making it difficult to remember important tasks. With Siri on iPad, setting up reminders is easy.
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