Two Black Sheep

Listens: 287


Join Shawn & Greg as they try to make sense of the world through hilarious discussions.

Bringing Home The Bacon

"Did you just use the word prudent?  What are the point of gender roles? Should they exist? Is taking care of children considered work? IG: @twoblacks...
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The Vax Tax

"Now, we have to pay full price for stuff." The "new" New York City looks a little different from last year. We talk mask mandates, rooftop regulation...
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Married Life is Different

"Are you in the romantic stage or in jail?" Greg catches us up on his newlywed life and what it's like living with whole 'notha person.  IG:...
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"Do you know what your neighbors are doing?" It's a conversation about power. How dangerous is power ? Does it make you immune to  accountability...
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My Stuck Point

"You're my stuck point." We discuss the upcoming wedding, our friendship journey, and things left unsaid.  IG: @twoblacksheeplive 
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Burdens of your own

"I'm addicted to cookies." We discuss what's happening with Spring around the corner, cookie addictions, podcast ads, new beginnings, and th...
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I've Got Questions

"I don't believe in goofy ghost."We have a discussion on the questions of life and the conspiracy theories that accompanied them. IG: @twoblacksheepli...
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Fully Free

"How does Garth Brooks keep getting gigs?"We discuss what's to come in 2021 including marriage, birthdays, travel, government, country music and perso...
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The Year of TBD

"The theme for 2021 is TBD."We discuss the consumerism of Christmas, vaccines, the whirlwind of 2020 and the hopes of 2021. IG: @twoblacksheeplive 
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