White-Noise Podcast

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White-noise, is a collaborative podcast about a girl named Sarah Jones. Sarah Jones was a bit of recluse in her small home in Gettysburg Pennsylvania, then on one strange day she discovers that she has died. Now she has to solve her murder and do a few extra deeds before she can pass on. Though she doesn't do it alone, she is accompanied by a Confederate soldier named Sam Dickerson, and Stella Smith, a ghost from the 80's. There will be an cameo historical figures and little informative essays as intermission about various topics. Disclaimer: We at Bad Mitten Studios do not condone racism or support the Confederate movement. We however found White-Noise to be a unique opportunity to tell a story and express multiple complex ideas. These ideas are sometimes contradictory to history, but were written into the story to preserve character, or offer an opportunity for character bonds and development to occur. If we have offended anyone, in anyway, we apologize.

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