Wrong F-ing Question

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There is such a thing as a stupid question: it's whenever you're asking the Wrong Question. In Wrong F-ing Question, Hrvoje Čop and Mike Golden take on the Wrong Questions commonly asked by digital artists, and look at how a better question leads to a better answer. With all the answers in the world only a few keystrokes away, knowing how to ask the right questions has never been more important.If you want to comment, or point us in the direction of a WFQ that's bothering you, find us on FB at https://web.facebook.com/wrongfingquestion/ or write to us at wrongfingquestion on gmail.

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The robots are coming, and they're coming for our hard-earned jobs.  AI, in one form or another, has been around for a while; it's getting smarter, it...
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S01E07 - Can you make a tutorial?

It happens all the time: an artist posts a new piece of work that they have worked god knows how long on, and someone in the comments asks for a tutor...
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