006 Writing and Recording American Romantic Music with Brian Cremins


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I'll Follow You


Click here for show notes! Just this past week, my band, the Felus Cremins Band, released our latest album. It’s called American Romantic Music, and you can stream or download it on Bandcamp. To mark the occasion, I asked my bandmate and partner Brian Cremins to join me to chat specifically about the making of the title track, the song “American Romantic Music.” Rather than slogging through a whole boring track-by-track rundown of the entire album, I thought it might be instructive to focus just on this one song. I think the process by which it came to be written and recorded is particularly illustrative of the way that we collaborate. In addition to our chat, you’ll get to hear how the song progressed from its first demo to its first live performance to the final recorded version that’s the heart of the new album.