#007: Have Faith in Teaching - Listening & Second Chances | Fr. Jeff Murph


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Humans of Teaching


In traditional public school education, religion and teaching are kept apart. In Humans of Teaching however, we are able to gain insight on how those who lead within different religious faiths teach others.  In this episode, we are joined by Father Jeff Murph, long-time rector of St. Thomas Church, mentor of training seminaries, and preacher of the Christian faith. During the interview, I was amazed at how similar Jeff’s methods in teaching and preparing for his services and sermons were to how many teachers plan their lessons and classrooms. He puts an emphasis on connecting his messages to historical as well as personal events that his listeners can connect to and understand. He focuses on the importance of preparation for all aspects of his teaching, from the large services, to small group classes, to one-on-one counseling.  Father Murph shares that the messages he preaches are useful to those who are religious and those who aren’t. In the lessons he preaches, Jeff discusses countless stories and accounts of deeply flawed people who, in his own words, “screw up over and over and over again”. In an age where often if you made a mistake or blunder it destroys your reputation, he states that the Bible shows us that we should give second chances and see others by what they can still do, not by what their mistakes are. If you'd like to reach out to Jeff or learn more about what is offered at St. Thomas, visit their website. Are you a teacher with a unique story and perspective to share? Email us at humansofteaching@gmail.com for a chance to be on the show! Follow us on Twitter: @HumansOfPodcast We post teasers of every upcoming interview for the month on Twitter for our “Listener Questions” segment. If you have a question for any of our interviewees, make sure to comment you question to our post on Twitter to have it asked live on the show! We are always looking to make Humans of Teaching better and better with each new episode. Please make sure to leave a rating and a comment on what aspects you really enjoy about the podcast and some things that you would change. This podcast was made for you! Be sure to subscribe to Humans of Teaching so you don’t miss a single episode and check out our website to learn more! Thank you all for your continued support.